Thursday, July 14, 2011

Converging & Diverging Lenses

2 Conditions for CONVERGING LENSES:

1) If image is OUTSIDE the focal point, it is real & inverted!

2) If the image is INSIDE the focal point, it is virtual & upright!

Only Condition for DIVERGING LENSES:

*The image is always virtual & upright, and is located between the object and the lens.

A. Ray diagrams:
Converging lens

Diverging lens

Sin/Cos see you in he1111111111...

Buffer Solutions

A buffer solution is an aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid. It has the property that the pH of the solution changes very little when a small amount of strong acid or base is added to it. Buffer solutions are used as a means of keeping pH at a nearly constant value in a wide variety of chemical applications. Many life forms thrive only in a relatively small pH range; an example of a buffer solution is blood.

Obviously......***POINT: Be able to RECOGNIZE particular ions together as composing a buffer system, know that addition of STRONG/WEAK base (6 items on previous table) will only inc. or dec. the pH SLIGHTLY.


- After injection of negatively charged particle between the plates, it ACCELERATES towards the positive plate.

**********Capacitance & Resistance calcs. for SERIES & PARALLEL are reversed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Newton's Laws

  1. First law: The velocity of a body remains constant unless the body is acted upon by an external force.[3][4][5]
  2. Second law: The acceleration a of a body is parallel and directly proportional to the net force F and inversely proportional to the mass m, i.e.,F = ma.
  3. Third law: The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and collinear.

Amino Acids & Proteins

Protein Structure/Dep on...1° Primary--DNA, 2° Secondary--H-bonds b/w amino acid backbone, 3° Tertiary--CHAPERONE PROTEINS non-cov folding

Alpha Helices & Beta Sheets are forms of 2° SECONDARY proteins structure because of H-bonding patterns

LIVER "deaminates" amino acids, converting them into ammonia (toxic), then combines them with CO2 to form UREA

Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis (production of gametes)

File:Simplified spermatozoon diagram.svg

exam (wtf): "If chromosomal duplication before tetrad formation occurred twice during spermatogenesis, while the other steps of meiosis occurred normally...FOUR DIPLOID, and not four haploid cells would result.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Phase Diagram, Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium

Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium
- bottom curve LIQUID, top curve VAPOR!!!!!!!!
- temperature vs. mole fraction (will usually have constituents A & B, b/w 0-1 like Raoult's Law Diagram)

Kaplan Pains In My Ass

azeotrope: a mixture of two or more liquids in such a ratio that its composition cannot be changed by simple distillation. This occurs because, when an azeotrope is boiled, the resulting vapor has the same ratio of constituents as the original mixture.

Positive and negative azeotropes

Each azeotrope has a characteristic boiling point. The boiling point temperature of an azeotrope is either less than the boiling point temperatures of any of its constituents (a positive azeotrope), or greater than the boiling point temperatures of any of its constituents (a negative azeotrope).

A well known example of a positive azeotrope is 95.63% ethanol and 4.37% water (by weight).[3] Ethanol boils at 78.4°C, water boils at 100°C, but the azeotrope boils at 78.2°C, which is lower than either of its constituents.[4] Indeed 78.2°C is the minimum temperature at which any ethanol/water solution can boil at atmospheric pressure. In general, a positive azeotrope boils at a lower temperature than any other ratio of its constituents. Positive azeotropes are also called minimum boiling mixtures or pressure maximum azeotropes.

Point: MINIMUM BOILING AZEOTROPE: Constituents NOT strongly attracted to each other.

An example of a negative azeotrope is hydrochloric acid at a concentration of 20.2% and 79.8% water (by weight). Hydrogen chloride boils at −84°C and water at 100°C, but the azeotrope boils at 110°C, which is higher than either of its constituents. The maximum temperature at which any hydrochloric acid solution can boil is 110°C. In general, a negative azeotrope boils at a higher temperature than any other ratio of its constituents. Negative azeotropes are also called maximum boiling mixtures or pressure minimum azeotropes.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Radiation, Conduction, & Convection RAP

Oh my God...this might actually be 1000x cooler than the doppler video...and I thought there was absolutely nothing cooler than the doppler video...!!! I was originally just trying to look up what the word "convection" meant...

***This is why RADIATION and ELECTROMAGNETIC (EM) WAVES can travel through a vacuum (empty space), while CONVECTION/CONDUCTION cannot (need materials)!!!

Axial vs. Appendicular Skeletons

Extremely unnecessary post...but I like the pictures...
Axial skeleton
Axial skeleton diagram.svg
Appendicular skeleton
Appendicular skeleton diagram.svg

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Small-scale Point Mutations (one base pair)

Nonsense – premature stop codon, truncates the protein

***the mRNA sequence (with its U's) is what's mutated, thus mutating codons that code for specific proteins!!! here you've mutated a codon in the mRNA such that it now reads as a "STOP codon", which are either UAA, UAG, or UGA.

Missense – codes for a different AA

Silent – codes for the same AA (no change in phenotype)

Insertions/Deletions (from Transposons or errors)

Frameshift – shifts the reading frame

Splice site mutation – alters the splicing of mRNA

**splicing is a modification of an RNA after transcription, in which introns are removed and exons are joined!!

a genetic mutation that inserts or deletes a number of nucleotides in the specific site at which splicing of an intron takes place during the processing of precursor messenger RNA into mature messenger RNA. The abolishment of the splicing site results in one or more introns remaining in mature mRNA and may lead to the production of aberrant proteins.

Hormones (mechanisms of action)

A. Peptide Hormones: Secondary Messengers
- ex: ADH, Insulin
- polar (H2O soluble, fat insoluble)
- outside cell messenger
- bind to receptors on cell SURFACE, trigger cAMP cascade (inactivated by phosphodiesterase)

B. Steroid Hormones: Primary Messengers
- ex: Estrogen, Aldosterone
- classic ring structure, all derived from CHOLETEROL
- non-polar, lipid-soluble so can directly pass from cell's phospholipid membrane
- inside the cell messengers, goes into nucleus, targets gene expression

C. Amino Acid Derivative Hormones
ex: Epinephrine
- can act as EITHER peptide hormones OR steroid hormones!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Colligative Properties (Quantity, not identity, matters)

Since Colligative Strength depends on the # of particles in solution, it can often be determined from its van't Hoff/ionization factor (i)!

Unlike molarity, MOLALITY is independent of temperature and pressure! (Only one purpose: to have units of moles per kg)

MOLALITY = MOLES solute / KG solvent!!! Do not screw up!

Molarity always SLIGHTLY LOWER than Molality (because denominator contains BOTH the solute & the solvent)

- As temperature increases, vapor pressure increases
- The weaker a substance's intermolecular force (IMF), less energy need to leave the liquid, and thus HIGHER the vapor pressure/more easily it evaporates (ex: diethyl ether vs. H2O: see below)
- thus, HIGHER the Vapor Pressure, LOWER the Boiling Point! (also see below)


Adding more solute to a solution will DECREASE its Vapor Pressure

WHAT you put in solution and HOW MUCH you put into solution will affect changes to Vapor Pressure (count "molal", ex: C6H12O6, NaCl, CaCl2)

ex: Adding salt to boiling water:
- actually going to take a LONGER time to boil (since the vapor pressure has been depressed, takes for heat and time to reach the solution's boiling point)
- BUT, more HOT water molecules, bound to the solute particles, will STAY in the liquid phase INSTEAD of jumping to the gas/vapor phase, so the "pasta" will COOK FASTER!

- High vapor pressure out by beach (humid atmosphere), Low vapor pressure where dry at high altitudes (Not humid atmosphere)


Boiling point when Vapor Pressure = Atmospheric Pressure

Boiling Point DECREASES with altitude (ex: 100°C in New York, 69°C on Mt. Everest)
- boils faster, but takes longer to cook because not hot enough!

For every mole solute in kg solvent, the BP is raised by a certain amount ---> BP is proportional to the MOLALITY of a solution
***but remember that molality (m) is independent of temp. and pressure...
"Raoult's Law Graphs: LINEAR addition of partial pressures (concentration of gases) dependent on changing mole fractions. (No bendy lines)"


Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

- evolution as a result of changing gene frequencies (frequency of a particular allele) within a population

Gene pool only stable when:

1. The population is very large

2. There are no mutations that affect the gene pool

3. Mating between individuals in the population is random

4. there is no net migration of individuals into or out of the population

5. The genes in the population are all EQUALLY successful at reproducing

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

p + q = 1

p2 = frequency of TT (dominant homozygotes)

2pq = frequency of Tt (heterozygotes)

q2 = frequency tt (recessive homozygotes)

Cross between 2 heterozygotes:

p = .80 (T)

q = .20 (t)

p = .80 (T)

(p2 = .64)

TT = 64%

(pq = .16)

Tt = 16%

q = .20 (t)

(pq = .16)

Tt = 16%

(q2 = .04)

tt = 4%

The gene frequencies of F1 generation can be calculated as follows:

64%TT = 64% T allele + 0% t allele

32% Tt = 16% T allele + 16% t allele

4% tt = 0% T allele + 4% t allele

Gene freq = 80% T allele + 20% t allele

Thus, p = .80 and q = .20. These frequencies are the same as those in the parent generation, thus demonstration H-W equilibrium in a non-evolving population. (However, this does not exist in nature!)

Modes of Natural Selection

Directional Selection: Organisms must adapt to a changing environment, so produces an adaptive change over time which increases the proportion of individuals with an extreme phenotype (ex: DDT-resistant mosquitoes).

Stabilizing Selection: Eliminates deviations from the norm & reduces frequency of extreme phenotypes by maintaining a well-adapted population, uniform in character.

Disruptive Selection: Favors BOTH phenotypic extremes, leading to the existence of 2 or more phenotypic forms within a population (polymorphism).


Natural Selection: Genotypes with favorable variations are selected through natural selection, and the frequency of favorable gene increases within the gene pool.

Mutation: Gene mutations change allele frequencies in a population, shifting gene equilibria.

Assorting Mating: If mates are not randomly chosen, but rather selected according to criteria such as phenotypes and proximity, the relative genotype ratios will be affected, and will depart from the predictions of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. On the average, the allele frequencies in the gene pool remain unchanged.

Genetic Drift: Genetic drift refers to changes in the composition of the gene pool due to chance. Genetic drift tends to be more pronounced in small populations, where it is sometimes called the founder effect.

Gene Flow: Migration of individuals between populations will result in a loss or gain of genes, and thus change the composition of a population’s gene pool.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Monocistronic vs. Polycistronic mRNA

An mRNA molecule is said to be monocistronic when it contains the genetic information to translate only a single protein. This is the case for most of the eukaryotic mRNAs.[5][6] On the other hand, polycistronic mRNA carries the information of several genes, which are translated into several proteins. These proteins usually have a related function and are grouped and regulated together in an operon. Most of the mRNA found in bacteria and archea are polycistronic.[5] Dicistronic or bicistronic is the term used to describe an mRNA that encodes only two proteins.

Fig. 3.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fluid Mechanics

Bernoulli's Principle

Bernoulli's equation employing the work-energy theorem and energy conservation.

The total energy in a steadily flowing fluid system is a CONSTANT along the flow path/throughout the displacement. (Fluid pressure is inversely proportional to its velocity.)

The total energy of the system is equal to the sum of the PE + KE + and Pressure Energy.

Bernoulli's Principle, when the heights are equal (y1 = y2, cancel):
- Fast flowing fluids have LOW pressure
- Slow flowing fluids have HIGH pressure

Continuity Equation: Q = A1v1 = A2v2

(Area & velocity are INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL!!!)
- If the tube narrows; speed will INCREASE
- If the tube widens, speed will DECREASE

"10 kits blown and scattered about" hahaha
- Water always flows from high to low pressure

Density of Water (expressions):
Pressure = Pa (pascals!!!)
- 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
- atmospheric pressure = 100,000 Pa
- trick: 10m of water depth adds about 1 atm of pressure
- pressure is produced by the collisions of fluid molecules with the surfaces with which the fluid is in contact
Poiseuille's Principle
An equation which describes laminar flow in a straight tube. V=P¹r4/8nl, where V= flow P= driving pressure r= radius of tube n= fluid viscosity l= length of tube.
"Thus, when one describes a patient as having "high blood pressure", it means that their heart is generating a very large P1 in order to produce the necessary Q to get blood to the tissue in a timely fashion."

The Hydraulic Press

Magnetic Force = Centripetal Force

Answer and explanation to motion of particle in magnetic field problem


"If a charged particle is moving perpendicular to a magnetic field, it will start curving. It will go around a circle and come back to where it started. The radius of that circle will be r.

You can change the magnetic force by changing B or v or maybe even q. You might think, then it will no longer be equal to mv^2/r. But r will change so that mv^2/r changes to match Bqv.

Imagine you increase the magnetic field. Then the charged particle will make a tighter turn. If you decrease it, it makes a wider turn. Either way, it keeps turning the same direction, and eventually comes back to where it started.

If it moves in a circle at a constant speed, then Bqv = mv^2/r must be true for some value of r.

Why does it move in a circle at a constant speed? The assumptions are that there are no other forces on the particle and that the B field is uniform. The magnetic force is always perpendicular to the direction of motion. A perpendicular force can do no work, so it can't add or remove kinetic energy. That explains the constant speed. When something moves in a circle, the direction of motion, which is tangent to the circle, is perpendicular to the acceleration, which points to the center along the radius of the circle. That explains why a circle is a path that can result from a perpendicular force."

Electrical Circuits

Current is the flow of electrons (or charge) per unit time:

Where ‘Q’ is the charge, and ‘t’ is the time in seconds.

Ohm’s Law: the voltage of a circuit is the product of the current and the resistance:

Where ‘V’ is the voltage, ‘I’ is the current, and ‘R’ is the resistance.

Resistance, Resistivity: the resistance of a metal/wire/material is the following equation:

Where ‘ρ’ is the resistivity of that substance, ‘L’ is the length of the substance (or wire, which is usually used for this type of problem), and ‘A’ is the cross-sectional area of the said wire.

As the equation shows, the longer the wire, the more resistance; the greater the cross-sectional area of the wire, the less resistance!


Measured in ‘ohms’ (Ω), the resistance can be either in series or parallel. If in series, the path of the current can only go through that resister (there is no other path for the current to go). However, if the resisters are in series, then the current can go through any resister or wire that the current decieds to go through.


Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 ….


You must always calculate the resitance with keeping in mind whether the resisters are in series or in parallel!

Kirchoff’s Laws:

Kirchoff has two very important laws to solve for any circuit problem that may be on the MCAT:

1. The sum of all current (i) entering a junction equals the current leaving that junction. Another way to say this rule is that the sum of current in a junction equals zero.

2. The total voltage across any circuit equals zero (

Using the above two laws, it is possible to solve for practically any circuit problem on the MCAT.

Anmeter: this measure current.

Votage Meter (Galvanic Meter): as this sounds, this measures voltage.


Capacitors store charge, and release it when the orginal voltage across the circuit is stopped (such as by a battery). When the original emf is stopped, the capacitor acts as the new emf, and releases its charge across the circuit.

***The equations for capacitors are exactly the opposite than for resistors:***



Ctotal = C1 + C2 + C3

The strength of capacitors (basically, the ability for the capacitor to store charge) is dependent on a variety of factors:

1. the cross sectional area of the metal plate

2. the distance between the plates

3. the material between the plates

The ‘capacitance’ (the ability to store charge) of a capacitor is calculated as such:

Which tells you that the capacitance is the charge divided by the voltage of that charge. Meaning, the amount of charge flowing in directly proportional to the capacitance, while the voltage drop across the plates is inversly proportional to the capacitance. This is because if the voltage across increases, the less the capacitor would be able to store before it has to release the built-up charge.

This tells you that the voltage is the product of the electric field strength and the distance between the plates. As you increase either one, you increase the voltage (which, according to the equation before) thereby decreasing the capacitance.

The equation above tells you that the capacitance of a material is porportional to both the ‘dielectric’ (the ability of the inside material to insulate the plates, thereby increasing the ability for the capacitor to store the charge before releasing it) and the area of the plates. However, it is inversly porportional to the distance (as we saw in the equation before as well).

The potential energy of a capacitor can be calculated in the following equation:

Where ‘Q’ is the charge buildup and ‘V’ is the voltage potential. With the above equation, it is possible to move things around by substituting ‘Q’ with ‘CV’ and so forth.

